DCMs have read only (view) access. The Fellowship Connection is the GSO database for group record keeping. DCMs can use their unique login to the Fellowship Connection to generate and utilize report listings for groups in your district. You can also view the latest GSR contact data, including their email address and phone number. In short, you can use The Fellowship Connection as a tool to reach out to groups in your district and keep our Fellowship connected throughout Western Michigan If you are a DCM wanting access, please contact our Registrar.

The “Meaning” of General Service: Today, there are approximately 2 million members of Alcoholics Anonymous, represented in 125,000 groups spread across approximately 180 countries. More than 40 million copies of our basic text Alcoholics Anonymous have been distributed in over 70 languages. Indeed, A.A. has come a long way since the May day in 1935 when our co-founders, Dr. Bob and Bill W., met for the very first time. So how is it that Alcoholics Anonymous has grown into the worldwide Fellowship that we see today? The obvious answer is that many people have found sobriety through A.A.’s program of recovery. But there’s another reason, too: general service. Reprinted from the A.A. Service Manual with permission from A.A.W.S.

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