About the Area Assembly

The areas hold an important position in the U.S./Canada General Service Conference structure. The areas are directly connected to the A.A. groups and their members through DCMs and GSRs. At the same time, they participate in the decision-making of A.A. through area delegates.

At the heart of each area is the assembly meeting, where the democratic voice of our Fellowship expresses itself. While each area has the autonomy to conduct its meetings according to its conscience, Concept XII offers the General Warranties of the Conference as the guiding principles to remain democratic in thought and action.

Reprinted from page 18 THE A.A. SERVICE MANUAL with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

Michigan Alcoholics Anonymous

Area 34 expands from New Buffalo, MI at the Indiana state line, to Sault Ste. Marie at the United States/Canadian boarder. Western Michigan Alcoholics Anonymous (Area 34) includes the communities, towns, and cities along the west coast of Michigan as well as the eastern portion of Michigans Upper Peninsula. It encompasses 18 A.A. geographical districts and a non geographical Spanish speaking district.

Area 34 Assembly meets monthly on the third Sunday except June & November. The Area Assembly is open to all A.A. members, but GSRs and DCM's are a crucial component of the Assembly. Michigan A.A. is sectioned into three geographical areas. (Area 32 - East Central Michigan) (Area 33 - Metro Detroit), and (Area 34 - Western Michigan.) The three A.A. Areas meet quarterly to unite Michigan Alcoholics Anonymous.

Michigan A.A. is sectioned into three geographical Areas. (Area 32 -East Central Michigan) (Area 33 -Metro Detroit), and (Area 34 -Western Michigan.) The three A.A. areas meet quarterly to unite Michigan Alcoholics Anonymous service entities. Area 34 Assembly rotates locations throughout Western Michigan. Districts, Groups, and Committees take turns hosting the Assembly in their local A.A. community.

The following A.A. Members make up the Area Assembly as ELECTED Trusted Servants.
GSR's (Group Service Representatives): Represent the conscience of the groups throughout Western Michigan.
DCM's (District Committee Member): Represent the conscience of the 18 District communities throughout Western Michigan.
AREA 34 OFFICERS: Elected by the Assembly Body to serve Area 34.
AREA 34 COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Elected by the Assembly Body to form and represent our service committees.
AREA 34 DELEGATE: Elected by the Assembly body to serve Area 34 and represent the Area at the Annual General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The 36 Principles of Alcoholics Anonymous

The Twelve Steps

The Twelve Traditions

The Twelve Concepts