Please submit all change forms to the Area 34 Registrar.
If you submit to GSO first they will return the form to our Registrar and could delay processing time.
Meeting Guide App Listing: If you would like your new information included on the Meeting Guide App, you must also submit the form to your local district. Contact your Group Service Representative (GSR), District Committee Member (DCM), or District Chair.
If you have any questions or need help processing your forms, please contact the Area 34 Registrar.
Alcoholics Anonymous Area 34 Registrar is a trusted servant who is responsible for maintaining records of groups in Area 34, and for communicating information about those groups:
Record keeping: The Area 34 Registrar uses the “Fellowship Connection” to develop and maintain records of groups in their area, including their names, meeting locations, and group contacts.
Communication: Registrars communicate group changes to the General Service Office (GSO) and provide group information to GSRs, DCMs, Committee Chairs, and Area Officers.
Registration: Registrars register new groups.
Data accuracy: The Area 34 Registrar works with our Delegate and DCMs to verify the accuracy of data submitted, and to follow up with the accurate information.

The digital forms below will send your information directly to the Area 34 Registrar.
To use the PDF forms below. Fill out the form, download and save to your computer. You can then email it to the Registrar. Or you can print the form and submit manually to your Service Representative.
DCMs have read only (viewing) access to
The Fellowship Connection
The Fellowship Connection is the GSO database for group record keeping. DCMs can use their unique login to the Fellowship Connection to generate and utilize report listings for groups in your district. You can also view the latest GSR contact data, including their email address and phone number. In short, you can use The Fellowship Connection as a tool to reach out to groups in your district and keep our Fellowship connected throughout Western Michigan and A.A. as a whole.
If you are a DCM wanting access, please contact our
Area 34 Registrar